To Whom Should I Be? - Poem by Mwalimu LAKHPIN

I solitarily exult day after day
Wishing to stay alone with myself
Watching over my own stances
Learning and practicing by myself
Away from all people’s sight.

To whom would I be if I avoid you?
I would be a forsaken, evited smirker
Of the neglected and praised doubts
Making a walk of a deft chancer
Living like a decayed fantasy.

I would be ruined in every aspect
None ignoring me but fleeing
Chances setting me into mortification
Being a nakba and a useless ado
Like a dust when it starts raining.

I would be a grime that lost decency
Rejected by every chanted provenance,
I would really be piling wastes
Demented melting than sugar
All woes dwelling within me.

I could be none if you withstand
Even if I bequeathed a richly affluence
I would be severely lone without you
And I would lose your unique host
Slimming in a fatal hunger.

God’s and heaven’s?
Pray hard and invent a gait?
Hate worldly belongings but seize them?
Make myself a castaway at my home?
Can’t render lies alike.

I feel I would be relieved if I die
Away from this worldly troubles
Free from the confinement of days
And the weariness locking me into craving,
Lissing in a superb fortune.

I feel that I lose nothing if I went
Especially if I leave a child
So that my name should remain
And pride it where I head
That I had deference where I was.

Mind themselves all my people
Be liars and those who don’t
Too much tears would vex them
Even though I’d not be watching
That I’m gone when needed badly.

It’s that I wouldn’t still breathe
I would tell all of them to cease
And inquire a speech if it’s hard
And ask them to come if that so,
But I’m kidding none would come.

My heart cries every single beat
Because of a colleen that perturbed me
Even if I pretend careless that I may move on
My betrayed dreams keep beating my brain
The chagrin keeps scaling at my sight.

Being anonymous where I’m known
And not deserving my merits
Meeting none even where I get
Seeing things that weren’t willing
Hunt by many beliefs I should adopt.

I would go that mystery that you fear
That makes you wander up and down
One that fears accountability
One that followers thrive from a word,
The one that keeps quiet when we suffer.

Frankly, I only look up to you
I know all of you as influencers
I will chase those who misspeak you
Collect and throw them away
And cast them into cache.

I’ll stay here where I belong
Such that dislikes daylight is a devil.
Leaving home and die where I don’t know?
May that be unspokenly fought
Want it or not, I’ll be here long.

Whether you diminish or buffet me
Whether you forslow or hasten me
Can’t upbraid you, things on their time
I know we’re all together;
Introverted pal you intimately consider.

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I Just Know - Poem by Mwalimu LAKHPIN

I know how it really feels
To be a bastard and piece of shit
To accommodate unsuitableness
And always enduring.

At least I now know
How to truly love
When you’re a strange personality
And everyone is avoiding you.

I know fighting against oneself
Being on a life-earning battle
That you fully know you won’t win
And you keep the guts to fight.

I know how it really feels
For an unmended broken heart
To be a solitary subsister
Just to experience it’s inmost.

I know when to quit
When you don’t even want to,
I know where to hide
When you have nothing to hide.

I know how to outcry
When everyone is around
And none of them ascertains.

I know how to believe
When I’m believing nothing
Just to restrain the accusals
For the next day’s repose.

I really know how it feels
Looking moneyed and felicitous
While you’re a famishing solivagant,
I really know and comprehend life.

I know how to come back
When you really haven't left,
For I mastered how to hold
If you've got no other choice.

I know what to lie
To those who only believe lies
And fear facing the truth
Just to hide their true colours.

I never can't obnigate
That life is about choices
That one lead on their own
Before they belong to the norms.

I just know what I don't know
Just to make my circles proud
And feel what I don't feel
Just to fit their rude stance.

I know the ups and downs
Of incurable dreams
That haunt you for a lifetime
And never allow you to dream.

I know why I'm just me
And know why I don't mind
For I'm that bird in the dawns
That knows well people's venom.

I know I know what I shouldn't know
For they don't know how to know that
But I delight in knows of knowing.

I truly know what it is
To belong where you’ll never belong
Just to belong in the moment.

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LACO, A Customized Collaboration Space for Lakhtrem Supporters and Friends Opened. (Tremtion)

Lakhtrem Collective (LACO) officially Tremtion is a growing space enrolling friends of arts and supporters of both Lakhtrem Productions and Basote Jam program. Friends who join contribute and help Lakhtrem by producing events, spreading their work worldwide, fundraising, supporting rehearsals, promotion, donations, sponsoring content production, advices, referrals, etc. 

During an interview with Lakhtrem's Creative Director on why instating the collective , Emmanuel Muhire said: " We can't abnegate the fact that everything we have achieved was made possible by our friends who got our back from the beginning. We needed to make sure that our supporters are given a reasonable space to interact, plan together and share good practices concerning the boost of our organization's growth. Although we started it, it is now a self-governed and important body in every initiative we undertake." 

Lakhtrem is an initiative founded to create, produce and spread the arts that incite critical thinking, creativity, social wellness and harmony having been in operation for eight years to date. 

Anyone who is willing to join the growing community can DM to their social media pages (Facebook or Instagram) or follow through the below button. 

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Cage Of All Time - Poem by Mwalimu LAKHPIN

Sometimes I forget who I am
Trying to get along with myself
Yet every morning I wake up
Recalling all my deepest sorrows
And the darkest days of my days.

I truly wish I can be more than me
I chase dreams like everyone does
I pretend that I’m a whole person
That I can sharply hide my oppressions
Lying about me but never to myself.

The insane part is who I really am
In regards to whom I once was
Such guy who endured the past
I know nothing about him, frankly
But all I see is just me and I.

No matter how hard I try to change
My personality never ceases to haunt me
My mind has become a fit to society
But they only see the one I once was,
A good berk of the decades.

I’m in a war that nobody else realizes
Due to the innermost battlefield
And I’m confused like nobody else
To the extent that my merits rot
No clue on who to really showcase.

Time change, years come and go
Cloned, still dreaming same stances
Solitude is still my only bliss
Talking to none but the lone man in me
Weighing just how much we’ve spoken.

No matter how determined I try
My luck keeps running against me
My mind urges to keep moving
That I will get nowhere anyway
That I deserve nothing but starve.

No matter how bothersome I get
The fact remains my key reminder
That I’m a forlorn loser for life
That I’m a genius in our inner life
That I’m a lesson to the worlds.

No matter how deep I behold
I’m still carrying the same load
No matter how on I can move
I’m still in the same practices
Same place and same tears.

Dreams about dreaming
With endless worries for myself
That someday I would live
And forget that I never lived
Then abruptly die with no trace.

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