How To Learn English Through Music

It is known or believed that music can be an effective tool of learning English (and/or other subjects) or any other foreign language though there might be other ways. Like in the original versions of films, song lyrics are the best source of words and expressions to memorize with fun. In addition, listening or imitating foreign songs helps to increase the pronunciation level. I will provide with you some useful ideas to help you learn English with music and invite you to practice this method which I personally appreciate. I have used it for so long and found it working. Learning a language through music, you must follow some guidelines :

     Choose the song you like
It is not necessary to complicate things choosing the kind of music to listen to. The advice is to begin with the songs you already listen to and find their lyrics. We do listen to many songs that we may like a day, but we do not pay attention on the content/message and the meaning of the spoken words within them. I hope you know that practice makes perfect. Repeating is the key tool to learn in any domain of life.
     Try to sing and imitate without reading
When you need to increase your pronunciation level, it is important to sing the song you are listening to, trying to imitate the same pronunciation without looking at the lyrics. So, when you read singing, your bad way of pronunciation will pop up again. Don’t have a problem that you don’t understand what you sing, the important is to pronounce well. Here you try to write the words as long as you listen to them.
      Find the lyrics
You may search for the lyrics on the internet via Google « lyrics+song name+artist(if you know)”. Whether you need a translation, it is easy to translate it on Google translate to find out the meaning but I do not encourage you to translate by Google. Otherwise, find someone who may explain that for you.
      Listen to the song while reading the lyrics
It’s time to listen and read. You will be surprised to find the words and phrases that you already knew the meaning, but you didn’t mind about them before (i.e it is not always easy to understand the words of a foreign language by yourself). Concentrate yourself on interesting phrases for you or just the chorus. When you know the chorus of all your preferred songs, that’s all to let you learn new words in English.
      Listen again and begin to sing
Now you know some phrases or words and the general meaning, you can continue listening to it while singing. When you get used to it, you can make it yourself and master all the words, getting in the mood of the song than before. You will find out that you are singing the same song in the car, bathroom, restaurant,…whereby you will begin using the same words in different context. This is not automatic, you must keep on repeating. After a certain time used to this exercise try some songs which have as many words as possible like Rap songs and learn the words but make sure you don’t focus on the Rappers’ pronunciation because they have their own way to speak. Take the words, the general meaning and judge them.
Note : Don’t think you will have to use two to ten songs a day. One or two are enough to go. And one hour enough on the song for both steps. 
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How To Succeed In Drama Career - 7 Effective Secrets

You're not the only one asking this question. The answer is simple but applicable. I've been working with Theatre learners for years and this question popped up when I tried to talk about the importance of drama. Many people ask themselves whether there is a way of being successful in "Drama". I will not say that there are such ways because it is a large industry that everybody steps in differently. The best way to live drama is imagining and imitating. I am going to share with you some tips that I found working and that many other famous dramatists applied. I made this research during four years studying theatre and being a practitioner with street kids in Kigali. I applied the same and it worked. I don't regret a one year no job, no vacancy... after graduating from the college, but learning from every possible corner made me stand up and still. Find these tips below and analyze them more carefully:

1. RICH AND HIGH EXPECTATIONS with DETERMINATION: Life is only about how you make it happen! Life is designed the way you can plan building a house, finding the resources, the means and even the interest. It doesn’t end by just establishing the building. But furthermost, you begin by configuring a certain target. What would you do with the house when it’s there? Whatever skill you choose in drama asks determination and passion. What do you expect from it? This goes by what would you like to be or accomplish in a given period of time to come? Set goals and try in one way or another to think beyond money. When you consider yourself as a simple person, you will find yourself a losing individual in life with nothing really working.

2. LEARNING SPIRIT: When you are done with some drama courses, don’t assume that you are skilled enough to go. Keep learning. The course you got is the basis that leads you to deep learning. Read books, go to concerts and performances, watch movies and attend workshops. There is no big workshop or small, what matters is what you get from it. All are there for you to extract some essential skills to foster your knowledge. Consult other experts however it is possible to you. Acquire new knowledge and try to rehearse. If you are in drama, there is no need for you to be a football fan; if you go there by just assisting, you are failing because there is nothing getting improved to your creativity. Learn as much as you can. By learning more, you’ll be selective and figure out what works better what doesn’t.

3. PASSION AND COMMITMENT: Once you get in, you don’t get out easily for it asks you to commit yourself and love it even though you are gaining a zero tangible income ("money"). Many people and many theatre companies failed they have put money on the first spot. Whether you are looking for money fast, go elsewhere like in trade, teaching and other businesses. But if your focus is the well-being of the people, do theatre. You will even spend much than you can earn. Profession in theatre is much about being recognized than how much you get paid. Our work is closer to God, humanity and spirits. So, you deal with people and the entire world. Whoever judges theatre, judges life because theatre is life and acting the art of living. Nobody will wait until he needs you. They will wait until your skills are needed. Don't panic or waste your time and money applying for such jobs because you won't be shortlisted. At least if you did some small staffs that made you seen.

4. NETWORKING AND TEAM WORKING: Like in many other businesses, networking is an important and a core element for the growth. Doing "Drama" asks nothing other than connection. Team working doesn’t mean the team of practitioners behind you every day. People may know you with what you do, and that’s all it takes. Don’t think of people like you or those who are lower than you and even the experts. You need them all. Imagine if you taught somebody who earlier becomes famous. Won’t he/she spread you out? Keep connecting until your world ends.

5. PERSISTENCE AND HARD WORKING: Never tire up while in drama because you will find most of the jobs boring and discouraging especially when rehearsing. A successful career in theatre requires persistence too, though trainings, skills and talent must be present to get on it. You are working on a piece of theatre but five hours are gone without a single scene fixed. If you are not persistent, you will drop so immediately. In Drama, be ready to be deceived, thirsty, hungry, annoyed and sometimes out of control. But it is not time to let it go. That’s the right time to work on your improvisational motives.

6. INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY: Theater-makers are like sponges that absorb water. They are like a tree that accumulates carbonated air and transforms it into oxygenated air. Think critical and show to the world the new trials you bring in. Keep researching for new and improving what’s already active.

7. IMPROVISATION: This term is not new for you if you've been in the game for some time. You cannot rely on the things done or established by other and become a professional theatre-maker. Think thrice on the things that none else has ever thought of or innovate the existing ones. By this you will have a go. Keep motivating yourself that nothing is impossible for you make and whatever comes into your mind, exercise it and see what it makes. Don't waste time on copying otherwise you'll find yourself making mistakes that are being done by so many people and you will automatically fail. 

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Musical Theatre Performance In The Classroom


Students will demonstrate their understanding of musical theatre by performing a musical theatre act with a song and body movement.

Class Level:  Beginning
Main Concepts: Voice, Dance

: Acting by developing, communicating, and sustaining characters in improvisations and informal or formal productions.
CONTENT STANDARD 2: Comparing and integrating art forms by analyzing traditional theatre, dance, music, and visual arts, and new art forms.
Lesson Plans

Lesson 1: Introduction to Musical Theatre

Students will demonstrate their knowledge of musical Theatre by filling out a form which will include what they know, what they want to know, and what they learn.

Lesson 2: Typing the Voice

Students will demonstrate a knowledge of their voice type and vocal range by singing few bars of music in their range.

Lesson 3: Vocal Warm Ups and Style of Singing

Students will demonstrate an understanding of the importance of vocal warm ups and technique by learning and performing them that day.

Lesson 4: Final Choice of Musical Scene, Solo, Duet, Ensemble, etc.

Students will choose their final choice of their musical performance (and know if they are doing a solo, duet, trio, or ensemble) by turning in the Musical Theatre Performance Checklist.
Lesson 5: Body Movements and Dance

Students will demonstrate and understanding of body movements and dance steps for musical theatre by performing a simple choreographed dance that will give them ideas for their final performance.
Lesson 6: Practice Makes Perfect

Students will demonstrate and understanding of the importance of “perfect” practice by giving a perfect dress rehearsal preview of their performance.

Lesson 7: Musical Theatre Performance

Students will demonstrate an understanding of doing a musical Theatre performance by performing their musical act in class.

Lesson 8: REVIEW of Musical Theatre (not included; a suggestion to synthesize all the elements of what has been taught in previous lessons)

Students will demonstrate an understanding of terms and singing styles of Musical Theatre by watching a musical show and writing down the musical terms and singing styles in the show. (They also will hand in their musical Theatre report if this is the last lesson of the unit.) . 

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Sorts Of Traditional Religious Rwandan Drama

KUBANDWA (a form of prayer). One first had to consult the diviner. Once the permission is obtained, one had to induct Ryangombe and designate Binego, the two high priests servants of imana. In the cult accordingly, they use different styles:

- Make-up: They put lines on the body, especially white and black
- Costumes: They wore the skins of squirrels, sheep and imondo.
- Meal of the party (kubandwa)
- Sorghum paste: Rukacarara
- Beans, colocases, beverages, banana wine(Urwagwa), sorghum beer (Ikigage)

After dinner dance followed, new initiates were baptized and received their baptismal names “the name of imandwa”. The purpose of kubandwa was to ward off evil spirits and to seek for blessings, mainly peace and prosperity.

GUTEREKERA: to make donations to his ancestors is a ceremony that was done at night in order to ask to the spirits a health life and any sorts of blessings. The food used in the ceremony included banana wine, beans, and sorghum dough. Depending on the severity of the situation or the intensity you wanted to put in the application, you could shoot a cow for meat to be added in the ceremony that would appease the spirits and allow their favors. 

GUCURAGURA: this is a ceremony that was done at night in the dark, without a witness. As a result, people who did this practice were treated as poisoners, dangerous people that had to be wary. But in reality, the practitioner was not bad, but it was a special form of Guterekera. The practice was to run two baskets while taking a small earthen pot in which there were bones burning in a small fire. These baskets were used to store the fire while hiding it. They were seen on the hill now and then when night came, with little fire kindled in the dark within a few seconds and seemed to move through the fields.

KURAGURA (Divination): Mediums. The major mediums are in the mu Gitoki behind the mountains of Ndiza in the central province. When they see you, they predict things about you in the near future, and everything they predict is known to happen. A diviner (umupfumu) was given the power to interpret the will of imana and therefore was called the son of god. There are three primary ways diviners are able to determine the will of imana.

- Guhanuura: This means to prophesy. This is a technique that uses intuition and inspiration from the spiritual world.
- Kuraguza inzuzi: This means divination using pieces of wood. In this case the diviner throws small pieces of wood down on a flat surface and reads the message according to how the wood falls.
- Kuraguza urugimbu, which means divination using fats. In this case, the messages are read from fats and intestines of animals. The diviner would use chickens, though sometimes would use the leftover from previously slaughtered goats, sheep or cattle. The fat was mixed with herbs and let to dry. When it was dry, the fat was placed into a pot which was eaned forward a diviner. Then fat was lit like a candle. For several hours the diviner watches the fire and interprets the messages he sees.


1. RYANGOMBE: the chief hero spirit. He was a great man in Rwanda and powerful for he did magic things, and he is said to have an origin from the Western Uganda near Eduard Lake. His father was Babinga and his mother Nyiraryangombe. His wife was Nyirakajumba on the throne of Ruganzu II Ndori.


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Drama Strategies For Teachers In The Classroom

Drama strategies - also known as drama techniques or drama conventions - are the everyday tools of the drama teacher. They help to develop enquiry skills, to encourage negotiation, understanding and creativity. They can enhance performance skills such as character development and storytelling and be used across the curriculum to actively involve students in their own learning.

Storytelling is one of the simplest and perhaps most compelling forms of dramatic and imaginative activity. A good place to start is by telling stories to your pupils and encouraging them to share stories with one another. All of us can become engaging storytellers with a little practice. There may also be members of staff who are particularly skilled at telling stories, or you could invite a professional storyteller (such as Hugh Lupton in the video below) into the school. Listen to each other, watch videos of storytelling and encourage the children to identify techniques they could use in their own stories.Rather than learning stories by rote pupils should identify key images and important moments, and retell the story in their own words. Still images can be used to mark out those key moments, as can drawing storyboards and story maps or (for younger children) sorting pictures into the right order. It is well worth playing some games to develop oral skills and get the creative juices flowing. These can help to develop vocabulary, story- making and storytelling techniques.

Other Strategies:

Conscience Alley
Flashbacks and Flash Forwards
Forum Theatre
Hot Seating
Image Theatre
Mantle of the Expert
Marking the Moment
Open and Close
Role on the Wall
Role Play
Still Images & Freeze Frames
Story telling
Teacher in Role
Thought Tracking

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Horana Isheja - Mwalimu LAKHPIN

Simpuga impundu impinga z’impingane      
Mpashiriye impundu mpera mu mpozo
Impumbya urampa impamba mpambiririwe
Impuhwe zawe zimpunzweho impu zombie

Umukunzi warindutse urukundo
Umuhindo w’iyariho
Uhora ahimbye ubuhozi
Utinzwe urukundo rwuje urwuri
Arwanirira umurwa

Isango ye isobetse isibo y’umusubizo
Mu isubiza isuma iruta byose
Ifudika y’ijambo ryayo
Irandengera mpabuka

      Horana isheja mubyeyi wacu
      Imbere yawe hahore abera
     Ko wahunzwe ya mazimano
     Abarya umwanda barawutaye

Yakaranzwe ubuzare ubukombe yimezemo
Igoga igira ingoga nagonzwe
Iyo abacyomwa bagera ubwabo
Ni karuhura uhatse umutungo

Uratorwe iteka uturwe ishakwe
Umutoya agutake ntutanga bike
Watowe ubutware imitwe ikinje ikiriri
Imfura yawe itugeza I Rwanda

Ni impuhwe uhari na buri munsi
Washâaje benshi bamaze ibyabo
Na cyo igitambo ntikikigoye
Ushinjwa kwanga imburamuco

Urambe utaramanye natwe iteka
Tugutake bitinde tugusenga
Mpore mpoze impogazi mukunzi
Zigire ituze rifite ishinjo. 
      © Lakhpin 2008

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When Do Hassles Start?

In life, before we take rid of situations, we must get the whys and whens. The bitterness of the problem varies according to the source of it and it grows up and up until it becomes a burden that is hard to lift.

Brave whose parents were cultivators grew up in Runda, the village that was famous for farming and breeding? He used to look after pigs in the morning while her parents woke up heading to the farm. Brave was the best cook at home exceptionally.  His father could not eat when he did not cook pork. One day in the valley looking after whiter pigs, he was composing a song on a small sheet of paper and in that moment, he realized one pig was missing. 

He went to and fro but never got a hint. It has been stolen. He immediately went home with the rest absent minded and lost. He could do nothing at the moment. When the parent got home in the evening, they found him sitting at the front door cross-legged and crying. They looked at each other wondering about what happened to him. Her mother eventually ran to him and started to council. His momma was so hungry, so she entered the kitchen and found Brave did not cook, not even a single plate washed. Sebastian was taking a look at their pigs and found one was missing so, he got furious. Brave was afraid and started to get up. When the mother came out yelling:“you bastard”. They took up the sticks to beat him up and Brave started to run away. That’s why Brave begun his journey to town where he started to hassle in the street. He swore to never get back home.

So, does it start when things are not bad that easy all the times in the family? Or something else. If just correcting a kid can push him to street life, what rejecting him can do? What insulting, forcing, ...him can do? 

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What Is Love? A Glimpse of Insights by Mwalimu LAKHPIN

Love is the feelings that you never need something or someone of your possession disappear from you. It is specializing an individual or something amongst others of the same nature. Most of the times, it is based on the feeling of pleasure that you empathize the well-being of another and adhere somebody else’s attitudes. The term is commonly and so often used in relationships between men and women. But don’t forget that you can love: a person, food, music, theatre/movies, traveling…and even animals do.

It is an art of preferences i.e. the things that when lost or missed can get you in the situation of despair, where you feel you can even die by that kind of loss. Let’s get back to love between people. What matters is true love than a general or an easy so-called love which is frequently sung in almost the singers and found in them but at the very end of time find it a hurting and disappointing asset that finally every body assumes to never get rid of.

According to Wikipedia, Love is a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection to pleasure. It can refer to an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment.

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SHIHOF: Shinning Hope Family

A group of singers in the Rwanda Anglican Students Association (RASA) at the University of Rwanda-College of Education (Former Kigali Institute of Education) which mainly sung in English. The name clarifies what before getting together on singing, the group was entitled. Members were friends (brothers and sisters) referred to the fundamental principles of the internal regulations.

Helping one another, praying and cooperating to making difference in applying Godly livelihood. It started in the year 2008 by the initiative of some students who by that time were passionate to worshiping, praising God through English language as the medium of instruction. Three members began the group. It is normal to have difficulties in the commencement but by God’s grace, the family went on until 2017 when the College of Education moved to the Eastern Province of Rwanda in Rukara area.

As long as it continued to participate in the fellowships, people started to call them a choir which was not bad at the moment and of course it was one of their major activities since its inauguration. The choir has been known making live performances play-backing popular songs of other known gospel artists like Don Moen and others but talented songwriters began to write and Shinning Hope commenced to sing songs written by its own members from 2012. Among of them, we can cite: 
 -Right sibling
-What a name
-Sing a new song
-Your heaven,....

To each academic year’s end, they held a special closing party though some others were held in the middle of semesters like welcoming new comers and other improvised sharings within its members. Rehearsal days were: 

-          Thursday: 9:00PM-10:00PM
-          Saturday: 7:00PM-9:00PM
-          Wednesday: Prayer day every week. 

      Something is special that nobody goes out from SHIHOF after graduating, they keep on coming back to pay visits and participating in organized events as the current members. Since the beginning, it has been led by: 

Felix NDASHIMYE: 2008-2010
MABANO Gervais: 2010
Alice UWIZEYIMANA: 2010-2011
Thomas SHYAKA: 2011-2012
Emmanuel MUHIRE: 2012-2013
Emmanuel NGENDAHAYO: 2013-2014
Paul NDIZEYE: 2014-2015

Jacques MUNEZERO: 2015-2016

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How To Make Love While You Are Poor

In these days, there is a myth which says "No money no love" or "When money finishes, love goes away." Most of the people believe in this. Many girls of today are loving boys because of money and once it finishes, they leave. This frightens most of men that there is no love still in this world of today. I do not guarantee that stable love costs a thing or that disappointed love was the result of poverty because we see noble families divorcing.

There is a lot of the ways one can make his love stay longer, stronger and yet he has no odds. It seems hard in the beginning while searching but finally feels sweet. The best of all the weapons is "Truth". Once you fall in love, keep in mind that you are engaging the partner for life and she will be able to investigate you. Don’t lie about yourself. If you are jobless, let her know before you get started. Once progressed, don’t ever make promises that you are unable to fulfill. Do accept what is possible for you to accomplish and what you can afford easily.

1. Know her historical background and the kind of love she needs you to make. If it is not planning for a future family of you too, don’t waste your time there because that requires spending.
2. Don’t cheat and be humble in your every day life
3. Be simple, cheap and don’t panic but with the little you can get, share with her regardless her standard of living. She will find you a fit caring man who can do it even once you get much. But never dilapidate.
4. Don’t hurry up with your tongue, make a slow rhythm and slower reactions
5. Say you will love her in whatever life you can have
6. Miss a visit but never miss a call
7. Don’t talk money a lot. Only be creative thinker always planning on how to get to it
8. Don’t exclude her in your struggles
9. Even though you cannot solve a single problem of hers, listen to her attentively, carefully and comfort her possibly. Emphasize on her sorrows and try to consulate her accordingly.
10. Don’t mix up your problems with hers
11. Be courageous
12. Be smart on your body, in your ideas,…
13. When she makes you angry, don’t blame her saying that she did it to you because you are poor. Fix a problem itself and never look aside.

True love is not a flower that one picks from the garden and after some days gets burnt. It is an incredible heavenly gift that you must treat like you do for your own eye. It is not where you are when she is there too, it is not who you are and what you do, it is who you love and who loves you (Don Williams). The last technique in every fight is "run". Love money if you cannot keep on with your girlfriend. Never tell her all of your plans if you find she is not somehow with you or she is staying with you trickily. Trick a trick to get tricky before you get tricked. Life is money and once you get it, you can design a life of your preference with a woman you wish and even create love. But remember, love never cost a thing!

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Psycho-Social Effects of Poverty

When we try to talk about poverty, we look at it generally around the word. Everything has its own causes and consequences. Now we will look at consequences because commonly the cause will mostly be "lack of money". Money is life. Again, we are not going to talk about women’s poverty because referring to many different cultures, men are the suppliers of their families. A man must build a house, have a plot, feed the family members, pay school fees, pay the dowry, prepare and arrange all the expenses of the wedding ceremony, clothes his wife and kids, take care of the two in-law families,…all in terms of money. So, when money is not there, manhood evaporates. Here are some of the consequences of poverty:

1. Isolation and loneliness: When you're poor, the only place you feel safe and comfortable is when you're alone. You normally don't feel like anyone cares and you think the best solution is trying not to make anyone act like they do. 

2. Lack of confidence: you feel that you are unable to make things run. You don’t feel comfortable wherever you are asked to represent something or raising your ideas.

3. Irresponsibility: You cannot feel responsible in any cause. You can begin pretending that he who can organize things better is not you. You feel you cannot be heard.

4. Fear: you cannot decide to raise your hand in the crowd of people. Towards the authorities, you feel yourself neglected/rejected that nobody needs you that if you stand before them, you can get kicked out. 

5. Indecisiveness: Decision making is a core value of a normal man but the poorest cannot get to it. You always feel guilty even when your partners cheats on you. You can never say No nor Yes whenever you wish since you only think that what counts is shutting up. 

6. Ignorance: A poor person is taken ignorant and they usually embrace it as true. In others, they seem not have valid ideas. Even if they did speak, their words never count. 

7. Humility: Most poor people are humble especially before the rich and this humility is not willingly. It is brought by so many problems and they don't even think they are worth people's time.

8. Slavery: Every body uses you, can spit on you, and insult you until the gives you a little money or a small living allowance. You don’t have your own property; you will always find that some cool rights are not meant for you.

There have been myths that girls love money. Some agree and disagree. However, one of the two sides dominates the other. She doesn’t ask you money and you are happy she is not the kind of girl but if you could count on how much she makes you spend, an idea can get into your mind. When you are able to make every second calls, send her some airtime, paying visit with one another, giving gifts and once she surprises you with a little demand pretending that she did not walk with money and you solve it. She can give you the world. But when you fail the majority of these, she starts hiding you, meeting you when she is angry that you can never have fun, she starts telling you stories of the boys who are trying to love her, some who wanted to have affairs with her, some rich men she refused,…to frighten you and make you decide to never lose her. Even if you can make some arrangements to get her back, don’t think you are making a genuine love like before. My advice is "give up" poor baby.

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How To Promote Yourself As A Business

I don’t mention it, whatever kind of business you are running today, these tips can help you stand out throughout this digital era and competing market. There should be many of course like I have experienced these ones but if you have another one, please don’t hesitate to leave your comment. 

1. Prepare things first and get them ready for consumption.

2. Take recent photographs of your work that are meaningful with a short description for each. Get them updated after few weeks.
3. Choose a way to display your work. Whether it is online, you may choose to use free online marketing sites or blogs. Make a deep research of the best places to post your work. Most of free adverts don’t get more traffic and disposal.
4. Tell people about your work. Begin with your peers and close friend and let them spread the information to their friends too. If possible, let them have some of your product if they are not services. Prepare carefully your mailing list and make sure the people you send messages to the ones getting interested in your work. You may find it discouraging if you send mails to unknown people.
5. Social Media: Use Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn or other social networking services to promote your work.
6. Use local media such as: news papers, radios and televisions
7. Theater makers play a great role to get to consumers. When you feel serious in your business and you more customers to know about what you do, and get interested, make sure you have a dynamic small group of performers with experience and talent to promote it. I do not focus on only theater, because music is precisely a more engaging industry that you can use. He who knows to use and invest in this area has grown fast in their business.
8. Find a marketer/designer
9. Put up flyers on the street and make sure that they are put in public places. If it has grown big, set up a service center for your customers.
10. Don’t talk about you much, let others come first and they pay it back for you i.e promote others.
11. Be professional and stable
12. Don’t exaggerate but make some specialties in your industry.
13. Build up your communication skills and be punctual
14. Always strive for making a difference bringing new facts on the market and don’t disappoint your clients.
15. Treat a client as the only money you must get for not dying and you won’t make it go. You will have to persuade the client until he/she buys your staffs and make him/her to always be thinking of you.   

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