1. Isolation and loneliness: When you're poor, the only place you feel safe and comfortable is when you're alone. You normally don't feel like anyone cares and you think the best solution is trying not to make anyone act like they do.
2. Lack of confidence: you feel that you are unable to make things run. You don’t feel comfortable wherever you are asked to represent something or raising your ideas.
3. Irresponsibility: You cannot feel responsible in any cause. You can begin pretending that he who can organize things better is not you. You feel you cannot be heard.
4. Fear: you cannot decide to raise your hand in the crowd of people. Towards the authorities, you feel yourself neglected/rejected that nobody needs you that if you stand before them, you can get kicked out.
5. Indecisiveness: Decision making is a core value of a normal man but the poorest cannot get to it. You always feel guilty even when your partners cheats on you. You can never say No nor Yes whenever you wish since you only think that what counts is shutting up.
6. Ignorance: A poor person is taken ignorant and they usually embrace it as true. In others, they seem not have valid ideas. Even if they did speak, their words never count.
7. Humility: Most poor people are humble especially before the rich and this humility is not willingly. It is brought by so many problems and they don't even think they are worth people's time.
8. Slavery: Every body uses you, can spit on you, and insult you until the gives you a little money or a small living allowance. You don’t have your own property; you will always find that some cool rights are not meant for you.
There have been myths that girls love money. Some agree and disagree. However, one of the two sides dominates the other. She doesn’t ask you money and you are happy she is not the kind of girl but if you could count on how much she makes you spend, an idea can get into your mind. When you are able to make every second calls, send her some airtime, paying visit with one another, giving gifts and once she surprises you with a little demand pretending that she did not walk with money and you solve it. She can give you the world. But when you fail the majority of these, she starts hiding you, meeting you when she is angry that you can never have fun, she starts telling you stories of the boys who are trying to love her, some who wanted to have affairs with her, some rich men she refused,…to frighten you and make you decide to never lose her. Even if you can make some arrangements to get her back, don’t think you are making a genuine love like before. My advice is "give up" poor baby.

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