Lorn Nous Expression, Special Production by Mwalimu LAKHPIN

Lorn Nous Expression is a special production initiated by Mwalimu LAKHPIN and powered by Basote Jam, a critical thinking and edutainment program that uses expressive arts for self-expression, discovery and discuss social issues towards social wellness and harmony. Basote Jam is a social platform that helps artists talk about their creative endeavors and aspirations, striving to arousing fun, behavior change and exploring personalities artistically.

In this regard, Lorn Nous is a powered project with special sessions and content that contend about juvenile delinquency, drug abuse, domestic violence, child defilement, social anxiety, introversion, loneliness and of course those unspoken stories through unique creative expression.

There a lot of people out there in Rwanda lacking just mechanisms that could help them cope with social anxiety, introversion, deceit or just expressing their innermost feelings or those stories which are still kept unspotted. Introverted artists do not find any breakthrough for their creative endeavors because the media community favors those who socialize the most, and yet those artists have intrinsic stories and content that would help the rest of the population struggling with personalities or social cohesion difficulties. We want to create a spotlight that brings people out from their shelves and discuss psychosocial issues as we give heed to artists who weren’t able to showcase their talents through the current channels and content that has been less regarded by promoters of today.

This is a must see platform that is not only fostered on the alleviation of the creative endeavors of artists, but becoming a game changer in the performing arts practices that stimulate wellness and harmony.

Would you like to support or donate to this important project, don't hesitate to reach out to us or follow our online fundraising pages. The raised funds will strategically help "Lorn Nous" achieve it's goals through our key project activities that are summarized into: Sessions setup and backdrops, Audiovisual equipment and accessories, relevant production expenses and outreach facilities.

We will keep you posted for fresh updates here


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